Russian soviet federation soviet republic RSFSR 

The penultimate USSR-era flag was adopted by the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) in 1954 and used until 1991. The flag of the Russian SFSR was a defacement of the flag of the ussr. The constitution stipulated:


Lithuania soviet socialist republic 

known as Soviet Lithuania or simply Lithuania, was de facto one of the constituent republics of the Soviet Union between 1940–1941 and 1944–1990. After 1946, its territory and borders mirrored those of today's Republic of Lithuania, with the exception of minor adjustments to its border with Belarus.[1]


The Ukrainian Soviet socialist republic 

The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (Ukrainian SSR) was a communist state that existed from 1922 to 1991 as a constituent republic of the Soviet Union. It was also known as Soviet Ukraine or just UkraineThe Ukrainian SSR was proclaimed in 1917 by the First All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets. It was established through armed aggression by Soviet Russia and local Bolshevik forces against the Ukrainian National Republic


Latvian soviet socialist republic 

The Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic (Latvian SSR, or Latvia) was a constituent republic of the Soviet Union between 1940 to 1941 and then from 1944 until 1990.

The Soviet occupation and annexation of Latvia began in June and August 1939, according to the agreed terms of the secret protocol of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. In 1939, Latvia was forced to give military bases on its soil to the Soviet Union, and in 1940 the Red Army moved into Latvia, effectively annexing it into the Soviet Union.[1]



Belarussia ssr 













The BSSR became one of the four founding members of the Soviet Union in December 1922, together with the republics of RussiaTranscaucasia, and Ukraine. Byelorussia was one of several Soviet republics occupied by Nazi Germany during World War II. Towards the final years of the Soviet Union's existence, the Supreme Soviet of the Byelorussian SSR adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty in 1990







Following the Soviet occupation of Bessarabia in 1944, the province was reintegrated into the Soviet Union as the Moldavian S.S.R. Thereafter, policies formulated in Moscow became the norms for political and economic development until the Soviet system began to weaken in the late 1980s. The Communist Party coordinated all public activities, justifying its monopoly of power as necessary to create the material foundations for the building of communism.

The Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic (ArSSR),[a] also known as Soviet Armenia,[b] or simply Armenia,[d] was one of the constituent republics of the Soviet Union, located in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. Soviet Armenia bordered the Soviet republics of Azerbaijan and Georgia and the independent states of Iran and Turkey. The capital of the republic was Yerevan and it contained thirty-seven districts


Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic[

The Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic[d], also referred to as the Azerbaijani Soviet Socialist RepublicAzerbaijan SSRAzerbaijani SSRAzSSRSoviet Azerbaijan or simply Azerbaijan, was one of the constituent republics of the Soviet Union between 1922 and 1991. Created on 28 April 1920 when the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic brought pro-Soviet figures to power in the region, the first two years of the Azerbaijani SSR were as an independent country until incorporation into the Transcaucasian SFSR, along with the Armenian SSR and the Georgian SSR.





Georgian soviet socialist republic 

 Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic,[2] also known as Soviet Georgia, the Georgian SSR, or simply Georgia, was one of the republics of the Soviet Union from its second occupation (by Russia) in 1921 to its independence in 1991. Coterminous with the present-day republic of Georgia, it was based on the traditional territory of Georgia, which had existed as a series of independent states in the Caucasus 

Turkmen soviet socialist republic 

The Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic[a], also known as Soviet Turkmenistan, the Turkmen SSRTuSSRTurkmenistan, or Turkmenia, was one of the constituent republics of the Soviet Union located in Central Asia existed as a republic from 1925 to 1991. Initially, on 7 August 1921, it was established as the Turkmen Oblast of the Turkestan ASSR before being made, on 13 May 1925, a separate republic of the USSR as the Turkmen SSR.

Tajik soviet socialist republic 

The Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic,[a] also commonly known as Soviet Tajikistan, the Tajik SSR, TaSSR, or simply Tajikistan, was one of the constituent republics of the Soviet Union which existed from 1929 to 1991 in Central Asia.

The Tajik Republic was created on 5 December 1929 as a national entity for the Tajik people within the Soviet Union. It succeeded the Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (Tajik SSR), which had been created on 14 October 1924 as a part of the predominantly Turkic Uzbek SSR in the process of national delimitation in Soviet Central Asia. On 24 August 1990, the Tajik SSR declared sovereignty in its borders. The republic was renamed the Republic of Tajikistan on 31 August 1991 and declared its independence from the disintegrating Soviet Union on 9 September 1991; thus modern Tajikistan is its direct legal successor state.